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Meanings of the numbers 1-9 and 11.

Writer's picture: Malu Soul LightbearerMalu Soul Lightbearer

1. People who have the number one in their Soul must remain focused on their inner self to be centered; Therefore, must be known. As they live from the heart, they can reach their inner and outer peace through humility. In general, they are very creative people, who are guided more by what they feel than by what they think. Of course when the one manifests in its negative aspect, they transform and are: Analytical and square. They get into trouble as soon as they leave their heart. They are not creative. By focusing your energy on the mind, fear and anger block the flow of the soul. People who have a one in their Personality are characterized because they are silent and transparent. They go almost unnoticed in public places. They do not bother. Your relationship has a very important place in your life, because they live from the feeling. His line of work is related to the creative. But when the one manifests in its negative aspect are: Slow, Sleepy, Loose and Little creative. It relates to others from the head. The people described by this number are authoritarian, proud, protective and ambitious. On the psychological plane, it represents the conscious side of the mind; Therefore, the decisions that these people make will be realistic and concrete. In addition, the number one indicates that the described situations will not go unnoticed by the others and will mark the beginning of something new for the consultant. The master key of people who have a one in the gift of God is in creativity. Besides, they will be loving. Those who have a one in their past lives will seem humble, even if they really are not. They have been very creative beings in previous lives, and so others will perceive it. To feel fulfilled, those who have a one in their mission must teach the world, by their example, humility and creativity.

2. People who have a two in their Soul, must have the ability to calculate the consequences of their actions, so as not to damage their soul. Your soul is always seeking spiritual growth, whether consciously or unconsciously. They should be very selective with the world around them, because they are very influential. They will obey your conscience to be happy. They need a lot of love and company. They do not mind going unnoticed. They are not interested in shining or highlighting. Those who present a two in their Personality are characterized because they have a relation of friendship with the world. People are attracted to them because they inspire trust and are open to relationships. Your mind should work well so you can calculate the dangers of the world. They are good traders, they calculate with precision the economic result of any situation. But when the two manifests in their negative aspect, these people are: Easily used by others. They are able to lose money, in order to win a friend. They manipulate them in their work and emotional relationships. They are very accommodating. The people described by him are very sensitive, kind, maternal, protective and dependent; They are always in search of their own safety. The situations described will be referred to the affective world, the emotions and the dualities of life. People who have a two in the gift of God will be able to calculate things well, for example: danger. They are friendly with everyone. They are kind. They are obedient as children and students. They have the ability to connect with anyone, allowing them to feel comfortable and relaxed. Those who have a two in their past lives are giving. They have cultivated obedience. Many have been disciples in past lives. People who have a two on mission are very open. It is said that they have several Masters, they even meet with more than one in the same incarnation.

3. Those who have a three in their soul are characterized because they are idealistic and compassionate with men and animals. They have the ability to detect the lie. They are independent. They are optimistic, they always see the good side of things. They are bothered by any kind of insensitivity. His attitude is never neutral against the mystical. They love their neighbors as themselves. They are charitable, participate in every work of service.

They are not impressed by the external, for example, money and surnames. They need to see equality within themselves and with others. They are good people. When they do something wrong they feel guilty. They do not allow depression to dominate them. They are emotional. They are expressive. They do not care much about things.People who have a three in their personality are characterized by being friendly and creative.

They like to be popular. They are good hosts. They love children and animals. They have problems with the hierarchy, so they are not good bosses or teachers (they have difficulty distinguishing ranks). You will always see the bright side of everything, even when things are wrong. The persons described by this number are generally protective; Can be friends, relatives or siblings who collaborate or are close. In addition, it describes kindly and generous people who are always ready to serve; Which are characterized by having a positive attitude and even carefree in the face of life.The three in the gift of God is very positive. These people: They love their neighbors. Come to Humanity as a whole. No matter what happens to them, they will always maintain a positive mental attitude. They will be able to listen and help the most negative being, without affecting them.

Those who have a three in their past lives will project themselves as happy, always positive people. Sometimes they are overly tolerant.

Those who have a three on mission must be independent.

To be loving. To be fair.

4. People who have a four in their soul are characterized because they never self-deceive. Your mind has a great ability to understand philosophical and psychological problems. For your soul to be at peace, you need to serve your neighbor. Those who have a four in their personality are characterized because they are helpful. They are good counselors, they attract and reassure others. Its virtue consists in seeing two sides or aspects of the mind, which allows them to have an objective vision. Now, when the four manifests in its negative aspect, they are: Restless. Tercos. Impatient. They are not neutral. They are not perseverant. They have few friends. They are addicted to work. The people described by this number are rebellious to all kinds of authority; Their way of thinking is very personal and independent, and in the most extreme cases, they show anarchic, eccentric or inconstant attitudes. The situations described by this number are unexpected, unusual and sudden. People who have a four in the gift of God, have a very spiritual mind. They are neutral, humble and love to be servants. They have the ability to see the origin, or go to the source of each circumstance. Those who have a four in their past lives are people who have already developed their mental body. They will project themselves as neutral beings, and many will come and ask for advice. You will see them as helpful beings, who can be trusted by their objectivity. Those who have a four on mission should be able to develop a clear, objective, organized and practical mind. In addition, they must be lovingly helpful.

5. Those who have a five in their soul are balanced and disciplined, allowing them to get in touch with their soul very easily. They must feel and look good physically, to be well internally. Any damage to their body affects their soul, their inner peace. All five tend to give themselves to balanced work. In general, they need to maintain their balance, otherwise they lose mastery on the physical plane. Those who have a five in their personality want to experience life, any chance they are presented. They are unconventional. They are always attractive people to others. Fine. Kind. Friendly. They are good actors and excellent public relations. They change love, or they can have 2 or 3 loves at a time. They often drown in so many social activities. The people described by this number are conversational, intelligent, curious and also changing. They show a great interest in learning, studying and exchanging new ideas. Those who have a five in their gift should be people who dominate their physical body. They have a lot of ability to teach. Those who have a five in their past lives are always beautiful physically or sympathetically. Those who have a five on mission must reach the balance between heaven and earth, between the inner and the outer. They should teach others by their example. They must be persevering, loyal and patient. They have to learn to adapt to new circumstances. They have to learn the correct use of freedom.

6. Those who have a six in their soul are characterized because they are: Introverts, Deep, Internal. But when the six manifests in its negative aspect are: Superficial, Selfish. They have a superficial life, they only subsist. Those who have a six in their personality are spiritual idealists and just. They crave love, friends and company. They are pleasant to the most benevolent and tolerant. They delight in artistically decorating their home. They need to be praised and encouraged. When the six manifests itself in its negative aspect, its qualities change, then: His word has no power. They do not fulfill their commitments. They lose all consequence. One of the main characteristics described by this number are its physical attributes or its attractiveness, its good manners and its refinement. Those who have a six in their gift, always have faith in God. They are mystics. Concentrates. They put all their energies in a center, and from that point live, breathe and move. All six have cultivated Mysticism in past lives. They are not superficial. They project themselves as right, deep people. They cultivate meditation and prayer a lot. For people who have a six on mission, there is only God. They have a great depth to perceive life. They must remain focused on one center and concentrate only on it: the Mystic. But when the six on mission manifests itself in its negative aspect: These people will not want to be beings of prayer, they will even believe that they do not need it. In general, they do not consider their way until they have rediscovered their souls.

7. Those who have a seven in their soul have the ability to guide themselves. They are characterized because their presence is powerful. Their aura is strong enough that they are not thrown to the ground. These people are always in charge of things. People who have a seven in their personality have a lot of capacity to face new situations. They are perfectionists. Thinkers and sages. Executives and leaders. The negativity of the external world does not affect them, because their aura is so strong that nothing touches or penetrates. They are rather idealistic than materialistic. They dislike manual labor. They dislike the suggestions of others. When the seven manifests in its negative aspect they are: Unable to speak in front of people. They doubt their own ability. Their permeable aura, therefore, influences the surrounding energies and these confuse them. The people described by this number tells us that they will have mysterious features, perhaps the color of their eyes is undefined or changing. The seven inclines the person to be mystical and to live many psychic experiences. Those who have a seven in the gift of God, have the grace to lift everything in vibration. They generate good energies with ease. They are leaders who shine. Those who have a seven in past lives, have been cultivating mercy or leadership. They will project themselves as inspiring and uplifting people. Those who have a seven on mission must elevate themselves and those around them. If it is a hard person, then your mission will be to learn to have mercy. If you are a soft person, your mission will be to learn how to lead. These people should work with their EGO, because it is very strong. In addition, they must be very strong and positive, so that they can always positively influence others.

8. Those who have an eight in their soul are characterized because they possess a pure soul. They have the capacity for self-healing. They do not fear, and persist until reaching their internal goals. They are expansive, they always go further and further. They never finish questioning the knowledge of themselves. They expand in depth. Once you meet your soul, you will perceive how this expansion allows you to relate to God. Those who have an eight in their personality know how to be one with PRANA (vital energy). By knowing how to connect with prana, you can have an infinite vision: "you can and will know how to project". Therefore, they will be; Long-term planners, fulfilling each of its objectives. They can work 20 hours a day without getting tired. They can be doctors or good healers, because it is the pranic energy of both the patient and the therapist that helps in the healing process. But when the eight manifests in its negative aspect, they are people who: They are very afraid. They never possess enough energy to fulfill their purpose. They do not possess the vision of the eagle to see what they must or can do. Those described by this number are serious, responsible and hard-working adults. Usually, they are not very demonstrative of their affections but they retain a cold and distant appearance. Those who have an eight in their gift never fear. They always have their projects. They are people who go forward, helping other beings to achieve their projects. Those who have an eight in past lives will project themselves as a pure person. In the eyes of others, it seems that they do not fear. They are perseverant. Those who have an eight on mission have the power of healing. They must: Achieve the purification of their bodies. Overcome melancholy and fear. Control the mind. Bring an infinite consciousness. Reach degrees of enlightened awareness through merging with infinity. To achieve the mastery of the ether (being able to enter and leave freely towards the fourth dimension, since the New Age or fourth dimension implies to know and to know to move through the etheric body).

9. Those who have a nine in their soul will be at peace with themselves, the moment they manage to deepen with their inner Self. The art of these people will consist in being constant with what they decide to undertake, thus achieving mastery of themselves, subtlety, and calm. They flow, are in harmony. Of course when the nine manifests in negative aspect, the people are: Hard at themselves. Your soul will be a mystery to them. They will not be known as long as they remain superficial. Ingenuous Those who have a nine in their personality are constant in their work and in their relationships. Delicates. They dominate all situations without anyone altering them. It is so much, that sometimes people think they are hard and insensitive, but they are not, they simply know how to keep calm. They take great care of what they say, so as not to hurt those around them. When the nine manifests in its negative aspect, they are: Mediocres, they know everything a little, but nothing really good. They change activity every time. They hurt people. The people described by this number are active people, athletes or workers who need physical strength to perform their task. They are neither patient nor delicate, but on the contrary, dominant and aggressive. Those who have a nine in the gift of God can obtain the Mastery in a quick and easy way that the rest of the people. They quickly capture what is happening around them. Those who have a nine in their past lives will be seen as wise, deep beings. Those who have a nine on mission must attain the virtue of constancy. Achieve the mastery of yourself, showing total calm in everything you do. Be able to reassure those around you. Reach the gift of kindness and understanding.

11. People who have an eleven in their soul, are characterized because they flow, have great connection with God. They are sure that everything comes from God and everything comes back to Him. They know that their soul is great, and that this is due to the permanent connection with the divinity. Of course sometimes the eleven manifests in its negative aspect, and then the people are: Conflicts, they have a great internal frustration. They know their qualities, but as they do not surrender to God, they can not translate or project them. Those who have eleven in their personality are characterized because they inspire and elevate the conscience of the others. They can achieve mastery in physical reality. But when the eleven manifests itself in its negative aspect: If they do not achieve mastery on the physical plane, they will always be worried about money, illusory appearance, the senses. They want to have the best house, cars, etc. They are always worried about what others think of them. They are very frustrated, even if they achieve enough things, they will never be satisfied. When they have the number eleven in their gift of God; The moment the eleven become aware of what they have or are, will be a bridge for men, between this and other planes. They will be able to express the energy of any of their spiritual bodies when they need to do so. They will never lack the money. Those who have an eleven in their past lives will be seen as someone who constantly reminds people of God's existence. It is very important that they become aware of their previous incarnations. With their presence, those who have an eleven on mission transmute, raising the awareness of others. They must be a constant example of spiritual life. They must expand to infinity. They must develop talents. They should look for new principles. You must trust your intuition.

So far the description of the numbers

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