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Different types of Ghostly experiences.

Writer's picture: Malu Soul LightbearerMalu Soul Lightbearer

In here I just want to explain and talk a little bit about the different types of experiences that we can encounter during some paranormal investigations or even in our houses or other places. This is going to be more like a dictionary for all of you and now you will know some of terms we use and what they are.

I'm using as a reference some blogs from the internet, hopefully it would help you.

1. Shadow Ghosts or Spirits - Shadow ghosts or spirits, this is a type of spirit or ghost. This phenomena could just be a type of form either entity can take, but no one is certain. Their appearance can range from dark grey to black and height varies from 1 foot to 6 foot or above, They can be seen as dark smoke like figure or blobs.

2. Shadow People - Not much is known of shadow people, but as the technology improves, the paranormal community is getting more and more evidence of their existence. Some call them watchers or observers from another dimension. Shadow people may not be ghosts or spirits. Some are described as tall, black humanoid like beings with red eyes and no necks. Others are described as shadow like black masses.

3. The Interactive Personality - The most common of all ghosts spotted are usually those of a deceased person, someone you know, a family member or perhaps even a historical figure. These ghosts can be friendly or not - but often show themselves to others in a variety of ways. They can become visible; they can become visible; they can speak or make noises, touch you or even emit and odor like perfume or cigar smoke, etc, to let you know they are there. Experts say that this type of ghosts retains its former personality of when they were alive and can feel emotions. And often, they are visiting you to comfort you or let you know something important. So if you happen to see a lost loved one, chances are they are there because they feel you want or need to see them.

4. The Ectoplasm or Ecto-Mist - Ever seen a mist or fog that almost looks like it's swirling? If so, you maybe be witnessing what paranormal investigators deem as an ecto-mis or ghostly mist. This vaporous cloud usually appears several feet off the ground and can move swiftly stay still - almost like it's orbiting. These ghostly encounters have been captured on many videos and in photographs and can be white, gray or even black. Although they can simply appear this way, linger then move away quickly, sometimes ectoplasms appear before becoming a full-bodied apparition. Many people have witnessed them outdoors, in graveyards, battlefields and historical sites.

5. Hauntings - A Haunting is when paranormal activity has been occurring for a lengthy period of time in a certain location. An area can become haunted for many reasons, not just untimely deaths or tragic accidents. Sometimes an area can become haunted because it was the favorite place of a person who has passed. People do not have to die at a location for it become haunted and it can technically happen anywhere. The architecture of a structure, the minerals in the land, underground springs and other water sources can have a major factor as well.

6. Haunted - Haunted can refer to a person, object, or place that has a ghosts or spirit attached to it. Haunted objects can be anything from jewelry to an old piano and often have an aura in photos. Sometimes it can be a person that's haunted and not the area.

7. Residual Haunting - An imprint left at a location that repeats itself over and over again. Residual ghosts usually live out their final hours at haunted locations. Residuals most often show no intelligence or self awareness, they will go right pass or through you without a flinch. Many believe it was their emotional energy that left an imprint on our dimensional frequency, like a tape recorder.

8. The Poltergeist - Perhaps one of the most popular terms most of us have heard when it comes to ghosts, the word poltergeist actually means "noisy ghosts" because they are said to have the ability to move or knock things over, make noise and manipulate the physical environment. While many of us had heard the term before, a poltergeist is actually one of the rarest forms of haunting and to many, the most terrifying. Loud knocking sounds, lights turning on and off, doors slamming, even fires breaking out mysteriously have all been attributed to this type of a spiritual disturbance. Another frightening aspect of the poltergeist is that the event usually starts out slowly and mildly, then begins to intensify. And while many times poltergeist activity is harmless and ends quickly, they have been known to actually become dangerous. Some experts explain it as a mass form of energy that a living person is controlling unknowingly. Whatever the case may be, poltergeist have caught the attention of paranormal and experts, scientists and many others who are just plain curious.

9. Obs - Orbs are probably the most photographed type or anomaly. They appear as a transparent or translucent ball of light that is hovering over the ground. May ghosts hunters are surprised to see the in their photos. It is believed that orbs are the soul of a human or even an animal that has died and is traveling around from one place to another. The circular shape they take on makes it easier for them to move around and is often the fist state they appear in before they become a full-bodied apparition. If you're lucky enough to capture an orb on video, you'll be amazed by how fast they can move. In photographs they are usually white but can be blue as well.

10. Funnel Ghost - Most often spotted in homes or old historical buildings, the funnel ghost or vortex is frequently associated with a cold spot. They usually take on the shape or a swirling funnel and most paranormal experts believe they are a loved one returning for a visit or even a former resident of the home. Appearing as a wisp of light or a swirling spiral of light, they are often caught in photographs or on video.

11. Intelligent Haunting - An intelligent haunting is when paranormal activity interact with the living and shows some type of intelligence.

12. Demonic Haunting - A Demonic haunting, is when a negative, non human spirit or spirits haunt a location. These types of haunting usually start out playful but can quickly turn very dangerous and even deadly. Demons destroy families and can haunt people their entire lives. Even if they move, the demons will follow. An exorcism or cleansing must be conducted to rid the victim, object or location of these negative entities, by a demonologist, priest or shaman, but there's is no guarantee this will work.

13. Infestation - The term Infestation is used when multiple ghosts, spirits or demons are involved in a haunting. Infestation can also used to describe a very intense rise in paranormal activity at a location.

As always say to all of you this a subject always growing and always with new proofs and terms. As far I know something new I would tell you. and

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