I wrote this as a way to send it in my email database but I feel is something I should make a post from. In the moment I wrote this we are going through the Coronavirus or COVID-19, and even I'm been trying to stay away from the subject is a difficult task to do. So I wanted to talk about what is creating this event not in our health in ourselves. So here it is what I wrote.
Hello everyone I hope this message find each one of you in a good place in your life. I want to talk about what is going on right now, but not directly about what you already hear or read in the different social medias app. I want to talk about what all of this in each one of us as Human and Spiritual Beings, may be experiencing or going through. Some of you may have more experience and more time following their own intuition could be just waiting for this to pass and practicing what they feel is the best way without going through all of this. But I want to focus in those of you that may need a little bit extra help. So maybe you are experiencing one of this aspects: As Human we are going through some hard time where in some way we are getting distance from each other. Where we may feel people is telling us what to do and feeling we are loosing the control of our lives. We been re-teach to be empathetic and compassion through stop being who we are, and being criticize if we don't follow what the society and governments say we have to do or act as a way to show we are compassionate. We may be feeling anxious or having panics attacks due to the uncertainty of the times we live right now. And you can be in one of this side or completely panicking or completely annoyed with all of this. And as a Spiritual we been told through others like me, that this is a time of been with ourselves, that is something that the Mother Earths is doing to clean herself. We been hearing a lot of things that make us follow the Human part and forgetting about trusting our gut feelings and intuition, to trust and do Meditations and Prayers to help this situation to get to an end. All of this different type of messages for those that are kind of new or have problems of trusting their own intuition for sometimes can be difficult to practice and continue, feeling that the Spiritual part is not longer there. So being someone that I believe that balancing both aspects it is important I decide to do this post. I decide to help as much as I can as a Spiritual person, Psychic Medium and Life Coach. First, the best way to understand the Human part, is to realize one thing that doesn't matter how all of this happen or who fault it is, because is not going to change what is going on. So we need to decide to be pro-active and look for the right information and putting some distance for those things or people that can affect our Mental Health, and looking for the truth as we should be doing all the time. We need to make the decision as Human and individual people, in how we want to live or be, but sometimes society needs to push or remind those that may not decide it yet, of being something as basic as being compassionate. If you are someone that is been doing your part staying with the right information, being compassionate not just for those that can be infected with those that maybe don't have the maturity or the ability in themselves enough to help themselves or others, without making them feel you have the truth or making them less. We need to being able to respect each other, not because you are freaking out or being to cautions or too normal, but because it means that you shouldn't put those thoughts in others through social media, text messages or phone calls, just do what is the right and keep giving others the right to be themselves. We should be able to see the others point of views and mostly to respect them and show them compassion. And don't forget to trust those that we knew way longer that this, because if they love you as you love them they will take the needed care and be pro-active towards them and towards you. And that is something we forget with all of this, to still being Humans not matter what the society and governments and a virus dictate. We can feel the control in our lives if we can control our emotions and not allow fear to spread. This will happen not matter what and you can't control it, is an illusion but we can control our actions and behave properly. And second as Spiritual Beings, we should use this time to focus in what we need to focus in all the aspects in our lives, not just doing meditations or visualizations. This is a moment for us to see our flaws, see what is not allowing us to continue in balance. This is the moment to start learning that even in moment like this we can be different and we can allow ourselves to be Human but without convincing ourselves to rely in our belief system or just in our Spiritual part. We need to be open and honest about what is acceptable and real. We need to understand that is just something that appear out of nowhere, that doesn't means is the Mother Earth or the Universe. We need to trust in what our gut is telling, without the fear or emotions and you will feel and know something positive and good that is been there all this time. We have to be in balance and understand that sometimes this things happens because we as human can do more harm most of the time that even Mother Earth. We need to use this to see where we can improve as Human and as Spiritual. Through using this as a lessons not for who is who, or criticizing others or judging them, to use it as the Human part to be a reflection of what we find out as Spiritual. I really believe that during this time we can really learn to find our power, and learn what this event create or make us doubt as Human and Spiritual Beings and worked out in a way that next time some kind of crisis happen we can be the best versions of ourselves and helps others to find themselves as well, with love and compassion, without fear and doubts. Just knowing and trusting that in any given time or event we can create through the guidance of our Soul the quality of life we want. Blessings to all of you, I hope this help each one of you to find your balance and to keep sending the love and compassion that each one of us need. Namaste!!!
